
What is MicroSort®?

MicroSort® is a scientifically proven, previous to conception process, that improves the chances that the baby you conceive will be of the desired gender.Semen samples typically contain equal amounts of sperm carrying the Y chromosome (which will produce a boy) and sperm carrying the X chromosome (which will produce a girl).

The MicroSort® process separates the sperm cells in a semen sample based on the amount of DNA they are carrying.  The process results in a sample containing significantly increased percentages of sperm that carry the desired (X or Y) chromosome.

The samples processed by MicroSort® can be used in a wide variety of artificial reproduction techniques, which range from Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) to a full In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycle — that can include intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis/Screening (PGD/PGS), among other procedures.

Only MicroSort® laboratories have the technology to perform this precise sperm sorting procedure. We offer this technology in collaboration with clinics and physicians around the world. The availability of MicroSort® in specific locations is dependent upon local regulations.

Who are we?

MicroSort® is a branch of the Genetics & IVF Institute (GIVF). The Genetics & IVF Institute is a fully integrated, comprehensive fertility center located in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. Since 1984, GIVF has been an innovator in fertility treatment and genetics care — and has helped thousands of patients worldwide realize their dreams of starting a family.

Genetics & IVF Institute
3015 Williams Drive
Fairfax, Virginia, USA 22031

GIVF in partnership with first-rate clinics has established labs around the world to make MicroSort® technology available to couples in search of completing their dreams.

Contact our exclusive Microsort centers

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call: (703) 621-7171
Business Hours: 10:00 – 15:00 Central Time (GMT -5:00)
email: info@microsort.com